God and Goddess

G. God and Goddess

In Wicca, the most common view of divinity generally revolves around a Goddess and a God. Some Wiccans believe in many different deities and some believe that all the Goddesses are one Goddess, and all the Gods are one God with different faces...depending on how they wanted to appear to us....
For most Wiccans, the God and Goddess are complementary polarities in the universe that balance one another out, Like to the yin and yang....some Wiccans believe that they are simply symbolic of these polarities and others believing that the God and the Goddess are genuine beings that exist independently. The two divinities are often given symbolic associations, with the Goddess commonly being symbolized as the Earth (Mother Earth), but also sometimes as the Moon, which complements the God being viewed as the Sun.

The Goddess
The Goddess is usually portrayed as a Triple Goddess, thereby being a triadic deity comprising a Maiden goddess, a Mother goddess, and a Crone goddess, each of whom has different associations, namely virginity, fertility, and wisdom. She is also commonly depicted as a Moon Goddess and is often given the name of Diana after the ancient Roman deity. Some Wiccans view the Goddess as the more important of the two deities, who is pre-eminent in that she contains and conceives all...like Dianic Wicca, the Goddess is the sole deity....when I think of the Goddess and I close my eyes...in my mind she is the earth(mother earth) we live inside her.. she holds the moon on her head as her crown(this is why she is the moon goddess) with the stars in her hair... water is her blood(why she rules the element of water). 

The God
Traditionally the God is viewed as a Horned God, associated with nature, wilderness, sexuality, hunting and the life cycle. The Horned God is given various names according to the tradition, and these include Cernunnos, Pan, Athos, and KarnaynaAt other times the God is viewed as the Green Man, associated with the natural world. The God is also often depicted as a Sun God, particularly at the festival of Litha, or the summer solstice. Another expression of the God is that of the Oak King and the Holly King, one who rules over winter and spring, the other who rules over summer and autumn....when I imagine The God of the Sun I see him as the Sun(Fire element) the wind is his breath(Element of air) we feel when he caresses the goddess...he also like to be on earth with the wild animals(wearing his horns).

Other names for the Goddess and the God

Adraste - Goddess of Destiny
Amemet - Goddess of The Land of the West
Ana - Goddess of Plenty
Anapurna - Goddess of Plenty
Aphrodite - Goddess of Love and Beauty, But also of the Hunt
Aradia - Daughter of Diana, Goddess of the Full Moon
Ariadne - Goddess of Light
Arianrhod - Goddess of Fertility and Life Passage; Goddess of the Full Moon
Artemis - Huntress Goddess of Wildlife, Fertility, Children and Young Girls
Artemis of Ephesus - Goddess as the Great Mother
Astraea - Goddess of Justice
Ashtoreth (Astarte) - Horned Goddess of Fertility and Love; Goddess of War
Bendis - Goddess of the Dark Moon, Wisdom, The Under-World and Witches
Brigit - Goddess of Fertility, Healing, Skills, and Poets
Cerridwen - Goddess of Magic, Wisdom, and the Underworld
Danu - Mother Goddess, Goddess of Abundance
Demeter - Goddess of Fertility, Crops and Fruitfulness
Diana - Goddess of the Moon, Children, Wilderness and Witches
Diti - Goddess of Wishes Granted
Epona - Goddess of Horses and Abundance
Fortuna - Goddess of Fate and Chance
Freya - Goddess of Nature, Fertility, and Magic
Gaia - Goddess of the Earth, Earth Mother
Gerda - Goddess of Light
Harmonia - Goddess of Warrior Women
Hecate - Goddess of the Dark Moon, Magic, Wisdom and Witches
Hulda - Goddess of the Underworld
Inanna - Goddess of the Horned Moon, Goddess of Love
Isis - Great Goddess, Mother Goddess, and Goddess of Magic
Lakshmi - Goddess of Fortune
Lola - Goddess of Gambler's Luck
Maat - Goddess of Truth and Balance
Minerva - Goddess of War, Wisdom, Crafts and Skills
Morrigan (The) - Triple Goddess of Battle, War, and Plenty (Badb, Macha, Anu)
Nixes - Goddess of Water Spirits
Norns - Three Fates
Persephone - Goddess of Corn (Wheat) and of the Underworld
Ran - Sea Goddess
Rhea - Great Mother Goddess
Rhiannon - Goddess of the Underworld
Sarasvati - Goddess of Knowledge, Poetry, Music, and Patroness of Students
Selene - Goddess of the Full Moon and Magic Workers
Sin - Fairy Women with Magical Warriors
Skadia - Mountain Goddess
Tailtiu - Goddess of the Earth
Uma Parvati - Mother Goddess, Goddess of the Earth, Fertility
Uto - Snake Goddess of Regeneration and Fertility
Vesta - Goddess of the Hearth, Home, and Herblore
This Part of My Site is Taken From Ann Moura's: Witchcraft an Alternative Path

Adonis - God Of Vegetation and Rebirth
Anubis - God of the Underworld and Death Passage
Apollo - God of the Sun, Healing, Protection, and Oracles
Arawn - God of the Underworld
Attis - God of Vegetation and Rebirth (Sometimes called Pa)
Baal - God of Fertility and Storms
Balder - God of Light, Vegetation, and Resurrection
Benu - God of the Sun
Cernunnos - Stag-Horned God of nature, Fertility, animals and Wilderness
Chronos - God of Time
Dionysos - God of Resurrection, Cycles of Life, Wine, Divination
Dis - God of the Underworld, and Riches
Eros - God of Love
Faunus - God of Herds, Crops and Oracles
Februus - God of the Underworld
Frey - God of Nature and Fertility
Ganesha - God of Wisdom, Prosperity, and Remover of Obstacles
Greenman - God of Nature and Wildwood
Hades - God of the Underworld, Wealth, and Secrets
Herne (The Hunter) - Antlered God of Nature, Gatherer of Souls
Horus - God of the Sun and resurrection
Lugh - God of Skills, God of the Sun
Manannan Mac Lir - God of the Sea and Fertility (Sometimes Called Mac)
Mimis - God of Fresh Water and Wisdom
Min - God of Fertility
Mithras - God of Warriors, The Sun, and resurrection
Nun - God of Primal Wars
Osiris - God of the Underworld and Resurrection
Pan - Goat-Horned God of Nature, Fertility, Herds and the Great All
Prometheus - God of Smithery, Crafts, and skills
Shiva - God of Creation, Protection, Destruction, Fertility
Silvanus - God of the Forests, Fields, and Herblore
Tammuz - God of Resurrection and the Underworld
Thor - God of Fertility, Thunderstorms and Protection
Thoth - God of Writing, Wisdom, and Magic
Tyr - God of Law and Justice
Ullur - God of Justice, Archery, and Skiing
Wayland Smith - God of Smithery, Skills, and Crafting

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