Laws of Magic and Chakras

L. Laws of Magic and Chakras

**Chakras are at the bottom of the page**

The Laws of Magic explained

The Law of Knowledge
Understanding brings control...the more we know about a subject, the easier it is to have control over it.

By knowing someones or something's daily routine and by changing a factor or two in can change its behavior. A child that is behaving badly every day around the same time may change when the mother knows that hunger is the cause of the child giving the child an extra snack around that time of day she will change his behavior.

A person with computer knowledge is able to control the computer; whereas, a person without such knowledge cannot operate a computer.

Keywords: “Knowledge is power.”

The Law of Self-Knowledge
Within the Law of Knowledge there is a sub-law of Self-Knowledge..knowing our own strengths and weaknesses is vital to succeed in magic...someone who doesn't know himself, that never tested himself or his limitations doesn't know what he can or can't do. 

By practicing and gathering more knowledge about your energy and strength you can attain a much higher degree of power. 

Keywords: “Know thyself.”

The Law of Cause & Effect
If you do exactly the same actions under exactly the same conditions, you will usually get exactly the same “results;” or the same strings of events will the least get similar outcomes.

Wiccans have same belief in cause and effect as modern physicists do — they just know that a good ritual, a good poem or a good bread recipe, isn't always absolutely predictable.

Keywords: “Control every variable and you control every change”

The Law of Synchronicity
Every action you take creates a ripple in the universe. There is no such thing as chance or coincidence. Synchronicity springs from the deepest source of destiny. You unconsciously telegraph your thoughts to others. We are all linked through our unconscious.

This is why we can intuit when a certain person is going to ring us, or is walking towards us, we start thinking about them...There is no separation between you and anyone or anything. Everything, past, present and future is linked. We are all synchronized. Any movement, no matter how small is eventually felt by us all. Have you noticed that when you are ready to receive something you normally do? Have you ever had a perfect day, where everything went just right? People and things just appeared at exactly the right moment? That’s synchronicity. If you arrived a few seconds earlier or later things would not have turned out the same. You were in the right place at the right time. It wasn't luck or chance. You were in perfect harmony with everything.

Keywords: “Coincidence is seldom mere.”

The Law of Association
If any two things have elements in common(color, shape, pattern, numbers, smell) the energy interact through those common elements. 

If two or more things have elements in common, the things are linked through the elements and can be controlled trough that link....The united state paper money is green, so a spell to bring money or prosperity is most likely to have something green like a green candle, green altar cloth or any other green object to help control through that common element or characteristic. This is probably one of the most important Law and is the most often used in magic....Associations may not be the same for everyone(ex: for some the color black means death, darkness, danger, often associated with the Black-list... and to others it means protection, power and elegance, often associated with grounding stones or luxurious Black-tie events). This Law is not set in stone as what is associated to what but the common associations are the most powerful ones....ex: the red heart  is recognize all around the world as the symbol of Love..this one involves two elements the color red and the heart shape.

Keywords: “Commonality controls.”

The Law of Similarity
Within the Law of Association there is a sub-law of Similarity...Having an accurate image, sound or smell of an object will facilitate control over it or them.

Having the picture of an apple is not the real apple itself but you can still use it's power through the law of similarity in a spell where you needs an apple.

Voodoo witches used to fabricate dolls to represent a certain person and it gave them power to effect their targets.

“Look-alikes are alike.”

The Law of Contagion
Objects or beings in physical contact with each other continue to interact after separation.  

Everyone you have ever touched has a magical link with you, though it is probably pretty weak unless the contact was intense and/or prolonged or repeated frequently. Naturally, having a part of someone's body (nails, hair, spit, etc.) gives the best contagion link. Objects or clothing, handkerchiefs, bed-sheets, etc., that have absorbed sweat or other bodily fluids from the person you wishes to magically influence will give you even more power...just like the children game of cooties where one touches another he is now stuck with the others cooties

This Law is usually used in Healing techniques where the healer touches the sick to transfer the healing energies trough his hands.

Keywords: “Magic is contagious.”

The Law of Positive and Negative Attraction
"Like attracts like"... and by focusing on positive or negative thoughts, one can bring about positive or negative results. People and their thoughts are both made from pure energy, and like energy attracts like energy...ex: If a person opened an envelope expecting to see a bill, then the law of attraction would "confirm" those thoughts and contain a bill when opened. A person who decided to instead expect a cheque might, under the same law, find a cheque instead of a bill.

"If we are basically positive in attitude, expecting and envisioning pleasure, satisfaction, and happiness, we will attract and create people, situations, and events which conform to our positive expectations."...and so is the inverse with negative thinking and negative thoughts.

Was there ever a person in your life that you knew you were meant to meet and who came along at the perfect time, with the best answer? Miraculously, they had exactly what you needed, as though Serendipity had sprinkled its magic fairy dust over you. This was the Law of Attraction working as your own personal-assistant, bringing about what you wanted. It was because you asked for help that help arrived. ‘Ask and it is given’ is part of the Law – which will bring the right people to your doorstep at the right time.

This law is also associated with Karma "do good and receive good but do bad and receive bad in return"

Keywords: “That which is sent, returns.”

The Law of Names
Knowing the complete and true name of an object, being or process gives one complete control over it.
This works because a name is a definition (yes, even “Harold,” “Marie,” “Xunte,” and “Jasmine” were at one time) as well as a contagion link and an association (if you call something the same name over and over, that name becomes associated with the thing).  

This also works, because knowing the complete and true name of something or someone means that you have achieved a complete understanding of it's or their nature(associated with the law of Knowledge).  This is why, in some cultures, people are given "secret names", as well as "public names", and why the sharing of a secret name is such an act of trust - because the secret name is considered to be very close to, if not identical with, the person's true name. And why some Wiccans choose mystical or magical names which many keep secret because they believe there is power in the names which would be lost if known.

Keywords: “What’s in a name? — Everything!”

The Law of Words of Power
There exist certain words that are able to alter the internal and external realities of those uttering them, and their power may rest in the very sounds of the words as much as in their meanings.

 Many, especially Catholics, are just as overwhelmed by the Pope as ancient people were of the village witch doctor or sorcerer. They believe him to be holy and possess a higher power which illustrates the Pope or witch doctor only possess the power which people give them. If their authority was not recognized by the people their power would be worthless...The Pope who is widely recognized is given respect. But, the reverse can also be true... strange and mysterious words can effect people differently. The word "abracadabra" can have a great effect on some people, especially those uneducated or who believe in magic, particularly when it is spoken by someone they respect. The word "abracadabra" has no meaning by itself; however, its significance comes from its mysteriousness to the listeners and the authority of the one saying it. It the listeners have little or no regard for either the word or the speaker then "abracadabra" loses all effect on the audience.

This Law is used when Chanting a spell or Calling upon the Goddess or God...even casting a circle and calling the elements....The word "Spelling" comes from the word "Spell" and the word "Spell" comes from the word "spellan", meaning "to tell" all our words there is power and with power comes great responsibilities...we should always be careful with our words as once they are heard they can't be unheard.  

Keywords: “A word to the wise is sufficient.”

The Law of Personification
Any phenomenon may be considered to be alive and to have a personality, that is, to “be” an entity or being.

It is used for concentration and to focus magical energy. Anything can be considered to be alive and have a personality...ex: when using Air element in magic it's harder to think about something invisible than the great ruler of the air, he has a face made of clouds and blows the wind from his mouth he also has a name and yet he is not a real person....but when you think of it as a real person the communication is now possible.

This Law is being used every-time we think or talk to the Gods and Goddesses...some cultures have a different personification for every elements, emotions and everything that holds power(witch is basically everything).
When you cleans your mind, you ask your fears to "go away" and address them like they were in the room with you sitting next to you, you are personifying your fears. 

Keywords: “Anything can be a person.”

The Law of Invocation and Evocation
It is possible to establish internal or external communication with entities from either inside or outside oneself.

Either Invocation or Evocation can control the spirit communication processes known as inspiration, conversation, channeling (mediumship), and temporary possession.

"Invocation" is taking a Spirit or deceased person into one’s self. The being actually enters the operator’s body...ex: invoking a Spirit and the Spirit speaks through the operator using his/her voice to communicate. Often when this happens, one’s voice may change or be different in some way. This is a form of invocation as there is a direct connection with the spirit and the medium.

"Evocation" is summoning an entity whether it be a Spirit, deceased person, or elemental and the being appears outside of the operator. When working with energy, the energy is always on the outside of the operator and never inside his/her body. With evocation, there is never a direct tie or connection.

Keywords: “Beings within…Beings without”

The Law of Identification
It is possible through maximum association between the elements of oneself and those of another being to actually become that being to the point of sharing its knowledge and wielding its powers.

The Law of Identification or imitation is where one entity assumes the characteristics of another. The more the first entity knows about the second the better the imitation. If this produces a strong association between both entities it might almost involve becoming the other entity itself. A temporary identification can be considered a divine or spirit possession. 

This law is used by witches when invoking the spirit of the Mother Goddess to enter the high priestess and Cernunnous to enter the high priest.

This is the Law that controls most lengthy or permanent possession phenomena.

Keywords: “You can become another.”

The Law of Infinite Data
The number of phenomena to be known is infinite; one will never run out of things to learn.

The best possible example of this is the Internet. You could spend 24 hours per day, seven days per week, and still never see 1% of the information that’s out there — and most of human knowledge isn't on the Net yet (as of 1998, anyway) cannot learn or know everything, so it is best to limit one's visions at times, 

Keywords: “There’s always something new.”

The Law of Finite Senses
Every sense mechanism of every entity is limited by both range and type of data perceived. Many real phenomena exist which may be outside the sensory scanning ability of any given entity.

Everyday Miracles and Phenomena happens and no-one can explain it..Why?...We can't explain everything with science because science is only a small part of knowledge...humans are always trying to find the rational way to explain everything they see and feel...yet most of the time they are experiencing something more that what they understand or know so they ignore it because of the fear of the unknown...we need to be open-minded and trust that what happens happens for a reason and sometimes try to understand why it happened and not how.

Keywords: “Just cause it’s invisible don’t mean it ain’t there.”

The Law of Personal Universes
Every being, lives in (and quite possibly creates) a unique universe which can never be 100% identical to that lived in by another.

So-called “reality” is in fact a matter of consensus opinions. There is no single “Reality” that exists whether people like it or not... that odd idea is popular due to monotheistic theologies and the Scientism they spawned ... instead there are multiple and frequently contradictory realities all existing simultaneously. This Law may or may not be the same as the Law of Infinite Universes.

To some they believe that we all have a separate universe(still all connected) in where everyone you meet in your life was there for a reason...and you entered there universe for a reason in there lives too...everyone is there for a reason weather it is for teaching us a lesson or to informing us of something some are there for reasons you will never know but they are all in your universe for something...ex: the lady across the street that you will never see again and never speak to(not even once in your life) may have aggravated a diver that is now two blocks away and is now going over the speed limit and in 30 seconds he will hit someone you know with his car....that women that you don't know and you might not even of seen her was now there for a reason...the driver thought you not to go over speed limits...and the person that got hit, in his univers it was his time to go...all connected we live in our own Universe.

This law is nowhere near as obvious as the other laws in its applications, but if you can figure some out, you can use it.

Keywords: “You live in your cosmos and I’ll live in mine.”

The Law of Infinite Universes
The total number of universes into which all possible combinations of existing phenomena could be organized is infinite.

If we all have a different Universe but we are all connected..there is the Infinite universe where we are all in the same Universe where it is endless and Infinite 

Keywords: “All things are possible, though some are more probable than others.”

The Law of Pragmatism
If a pattern of belief or behavior enables a being to survive and to accomplish chosen goals, then that belief or behavior is "true" or "real" or "sensible".  

This is a very useful law because it avoids moral arguments with oneself and others. In this case, therefore, truth has a functional value since it works properly for the person. Such a law allows different responses to the same or similar situations which is the interplay of the Law of Synthesis.

This law is used when you do a spell it still only hope and an idea(you do not know if its real or not yet) Then it work's just the way you wanted(you know now that the spell is real) and you will keep it to use it later to get the same result again.

Keywords: “If it works, it’s true.”

The Law of True Falsehoods
It’s possible for a concept or act to violate the truth patterns of a given universe (including an individual’s or group’s part of a consensus reality) and yet to still be “true,” provided that it “works” in a specific context.

Something can be real and false for another, depending on the circumstances ex: Thunder Gods are parts of the mythologies of our ancestors” and now “false,” but on the level of reality involved in magical Rain-Making They are very real indeed.

Something you believe is true may be false to someone else and until you have a better answer or explanation why the other person says it false you may not change your opinion on the matter...there is many things in the old age that was believed to be true that is now looked at with ridiculed and we now know that is false...but for these people who didn't know better it was real(common knowledge even) ex: Cutting your hair on Good Friday to prevent headaches in the year to come...this used to be a thing people did in the past and probably some people still do to this date...why?...not because they are crazy but because to them it's true..and maybe since they believe in it, it does work.

Keywords: “If it’s a paradox it’s probably true.”

The Law of Synthesis
or the Law of Opposites, states that the synthesis on two opposing or conflicting ideas or pieces of data will produce a new, third idea that will not be a compromise of the original two.

Origin of the word "synthesis" Classical Greek ; from syn-, together + tithenai, to place, do

ex: When you read several books and use all of the information to come up with a new theory on the subject.

This law is used when you believe in two different things at the same time and believes in both of them ex: I believe that the earth was made with fragments of the sun and dust particles in space but at the same time I believe that the earth was made for a reason from something even more powerful.... a scientific explanation and a religious explanation can both coexist in someone's mind.

Keywords: “Synthesis reconciles.”

The Law of Polarity
 Any variety of information can be diluted into at least two opposite characteristics, and each will contain the essence of the other within itself ex: ying and yang

This is not like Good and Evil(at war)'s more like Man and Woman(in harmony), in every man, there are feminine characteristics and in every woman, there are masculine characteristics. it's not about things that are in total opposites but more of the things the opposites have in's more about balance than opposites.

Keywords: “Everything contains its opposite.”

The Law of Dynamic Balance
To survive, let alone to become powerful, one must keep every aspect of one’s universe(s) in a state of dynamic balance with every other one; extremism is dangerous on both the personal and the evolutionary levels of reality.

Balance in everything is the key to happiness..."too much of a good thing can become a bad thing"..we have all heard about it..but we don't always follow it...but if we could have perfect balance in every aspects of our lives we would be in perfect harmony with everything and everyone(if everyone would also be in perfect balance).

Keywords: “Dance to the music.”

The Law of Perversity
Also known as “Murphy’s Law,” “Finagle’s Law,” etc.: if anything can go wrong, it will — and in the most annoying manner possible.

Magical associations sometimes operate in the reverse of what was wanted; meaningful coincidences are just as likely to be unpleasant as they are to be helpful (especially if a lot of emotion goes into the related situations). Even if “nothing can possibly go wrong,” some element of the universe may change so that things will go wrong anyway.

This Law is probably based on the use of countermagic by one’s own subconscious mind, for whatever devious or even neurotic reasons it may have. My guess is that it also ties in with the Anti-Psi talents. This Law explains why some people’s magic seems to work backwards. Emotionally healthy magicians have less problems with this Law than unhealthy ones do, and once a magician has reached the Master/Mistress rank his “klutz factor” tends to go down accordingly. The klutz factor (or “fumble factor”) is used by many referees to dampen down the effectiveness of high-level magicians who are unbalancing their game universes, but it has a basis in fact as well as in game playability.

Keywords: These can only be, “If anything can go wrong, it will.”

The Law of Unity
Every phenomenon in existence is linked directly or indirectly to every other one, past, present or future; perceived separations between phenomena are based on incomplete sensing and/or thinking.

Keywords: “All is One.”

How the Laws Affect Spell Success

There should be a way to add to a character’s chances of success, when the magician uses one or more of the Laws of Magic in the spell design. One way of doing this is shown in Table 6.1: Effects of the Laws of Magic on PoSS, in which particular uses of laws add Possibility Increments or P.I.s to any spell’s Possibility of Spell Success or PoSS. Using that system, Belinda the Befuddled got quite a bit of improvement in her chances for success, with credit for using Similarity five times, Words twice, and Contagion & Invocation & Names once each. Even though she’s only using a single Psi Talent (Mesmerism) and probably couldn’t have done it without help from Mighty Manfred, still her multiple use of the Laws could easily boost her success possibilities to her Magical Luck Limit for her rank. See Chapter 9 for a copy of her “spell recipe.”

Table 6.1: Effects of the Laws of Magic on PoSS (Possibilities of Spell Success)

1: For every usage of a Law of Magic (except those listed below) in the casting of a spell, add 5% to the PoSS. If the same Law is used more than once, add the appropriate percentage for each usage.

2: For every usage of the Law of Similarity: add 3-8%, depending upon the degree of similarity involved.

Example: attempting to cast a spell on a gnome. Having a crude drawing of a dwarf (another type of small humanoid) is barely worth 3%. Having a coffee table Book of Gnomes is worth 5%. Having a realistic painting of the gnome in question is worth 8%. If photographs are possible in the game universe involved, one might push the bonus up to 10% for having a photo of the gnome.

3: For every usage of the Law of Contagion: add 5-12%, depending upon the degree of contagion involved.

Example: attempting to heal a damaged comrade from a distance. Having shaken hands with her several times is barely worth 5%. Having an item of her clothing or weapons is worth 7%. Having a lock of her hair is worth 10%. Having kissed her a lot recently, or having had more intense contact, may well be worth 15-25% — depending on just how friendly you got!. Being able to touch the target of a spell during the casting period will usually add 8-10%.

4: For every usage of the Law of Names: add 5% for using the target’s “public name,” add 10% for using the target’s “childhood name” or adult “pet name,” add 15% for using the target’s “secret name,” and add 30% for using the target’s “true name.” Target beings will usually know their own names in the first three categories, but only a supernatural entity is liable to know their own or someone else’s “true name.” Note: an Invocation or Evocation bonus cancels out any connected Names bonus.

5: For every usage of the Law of Invocation or the Law of Evocation: add 1-15%, depending on one’s own Piety; 1% for low Piety, 5% for average Piety, 10% for high Piety, 15% for highest Piety. Some referees may prefer to use the character’s “State of Grace” for this. Note: this bonus is only to the PoSS, not to MPs.

6: For every usage of the Law of Perversity: add 15% if and only if Negapsi is one of one’s Talents. Otherwise, subtract 15% or “crock” the results of the spell. If the referee or the player determines that a given magician is suffering a “streak of bad luck,” expect the Law of Perversity (at referee’s option) to start making things even worse.

charging up your palms

The 7 Chakras are the energy centers in our body in which energy flows through.
Blocked energy in our 7 Chakras can often lead to illness so it's important to understand what each Chakra represents and what we can do to keep this energy flowing freely.

1. Root Chakra - Represents our foundation and feeling of being grounded.
Location: Base of spine in tailbone area.
Emotional issues: Survival issues, strong-willed, impulsive, money, and food.
Affirmation: "I will"
Gland: Adrenal Organs
Physical: Legs, Feet, Urinary organs, Tiredness, Anemia, Blood disorder. 
Day: Tuesday
Element: Earth
Sense: Smell
Gemstones: Red tiger eye, Red jasper, Garnet, Hematite, Snowflake obsidian, Bloodstone
Essential oils: Ylang Ylang
Foods: Protein, Root vegetables(beets, radish, red potatoes) red fruits and vegetables(tomatoes, red apples, strawberries) 
Colors: Red, Dark brown, Dark gray, Black

2. Sacral Chakra - Our connection and ability to accept others and new experiences.
Location: Lower abdomen, about 2 inches below the navel and 2 inches in.
Emotional issues: Sense of abundance, well-being, Happiness, pleasure, sexuality.
Affirmation: "I feel"
Gland: Reproductive Organs
Physical: Respiratory, Spleen, Kidney, Gall bladder, Aura.
Day: Wednesday
Element: Water
Sense: Taste
Gemstones: Carnelian, Moonstone, Orange sapphire
Essential oils: Melissa, Orange
Foods:  Tropical fruits(pineapples, papaya), Fish and seafood, orange fruits and vegetables(oranges, carrots)
Colors: Orange tones (dark burnt orange to light soft peaches)

3. Solar Plexus Chakra - Our ability to be confident and in-control of our lives.
Location: Upper abdomen in the stomach area.
Emotional issues: Self-worth, self-confidence, self-esteem.
Affirmation: "I can"
Gland: Pancreas
Physical: Digestion, Liver, Diabetes, Skin, Poor digestion, Nervous exhaustion.
Day: Sunday
Element: Fire
Sense: Sight
Gemstones: Citrine, Tiger eye, Yellow topaz
Essential oils: Rosemary, Lemon
Foods: Fibers, Whole grains, Legumes, Yellow fruits and Vegetables (lemons, yellow bell peppers, corn)
Colors: Yellow Tones (Dark tans to light pastel yellows)

4. Heart Chakra - Our ability to love.
Location: Center of chest just above the heart.
Emotional issues: Love, joy, inner peace, romance, self-control, Harmony.
Affirmation: "I love"
Gland: Thymus
Physical: Heart, Bronchia, lungs, arms, Legs, Chronic diseases, Hypertension.
Day: Friday
Element: Air
Sense: Touch
Gemstones: Aventurine, Rose quartz, Jade, Malachite, Peridot
Essential oils: Eucalyptus, Pine
Foods: Leafy Greens(lettuces, cabbage), Green Fruits and vegetables(broccoli, bell peppers, asparagus)
Colors: Green tones, Pinks tones

5. Throat Chakra - Our ability to communicate.
Location: Throat.
Emotional issues: Communication, self-expression of feelings, loyalty, the truth.
Affirmation: "I speak"
Gland: Thyroid Gland
Physical: Neck, Voice, Hyperactivity, Insomnia, Menstrual problems.
Day: Thursday
Element: Ether
Sense: Hearing
Gemstones: Sodalite, Blue lace agate, Turquoise, Angelite, Aquamarine
Essential oils: Geranium
Foods: Sea plants, Soups, Sauces, Teas, fish
Colors: Light Blues, Aquamarines (blue-green tones)

6. Third Eye Chakra - Our ability to focus on and see the big picture.
Location: Forehead between the eyes. (Also called the Brow Chakra)
Emotional issues: Intuition, dreams, visions, imagination, wisdom, ability to think and make decisions.
Affirmation: "I see"
Gland: Pituitary Gland
Physical: Pineal Gland, Nervous system, Aura
Day: Saturday
Element: Light
Sense: Intuition
Gemstones: Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite, Blue sapphire
Essential oils: Patchouli
Foods: Berries, wine, Chocolate, purple-red fruits and vegetables(blueberries, grapes, red onions) 
Colors: Indigo (blue-purple tones), purple tones

7. Crown Chakra - The highest Chakra represents our ability to be fully connected spiritually.
Location: The very top of the head.
Emotional issues: Inner and outer beauty, clarity, our connection to spirituality, pure bliss.
Affirmation: "I know"
Gland: Pineal Gland
Physical: Lymphatic system, 
Day: Monday
Element: Spirit
Sense: Knowingness
Gemstones: Quartz Crystal, White calcite, Amethyst
Essential oils: Lavender
Foods: Sunlight, oxygen, foods you grow yourself
Colors: Violet tones, lavender colors, White

Cleansing your Chakras
starting at the base(root chakra) each points of your chakras you visualize your chakras opening like flowers and flooding the room with a bright light (each chakra has a different colored light)...once you've opened all of them let them be fully awaken, balanced and cleansed you need to close don't want negative energies to get into your chakras...starting at the top close them one by one...visualize your flowers of light closing (they no longer flood the room with light but they are still glowing from inside).

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