Numbers and Colors

N. Numbers and Colors

Colors are used in many ways in Magic. One of the most basic ways to use colors are in candles of the color appropriate to the purpose.... also used in Altar Cloth, Flowers, Amulets, Talismans, Dream Pillows, Foods, Colored Bath Salts and other bath therapy, Labels,Meditations on colors for reaching specific chakras, or areas for psychic development, Garments for ceremonies or simply on days when you wish to attract (or deflect) certain energies, Colored papers and inks for written spell work, Awareness of colors you select in your decor and environment......And like most things in magic, how you feel about the color and your aims is the most important guide. If a color feels right to use for a purpose, even if it is not listed here, don't be afraid to use it!...meaning of colors may vary from person to person..(ex: black, for some it represent evil and for others it represents protection..)

White (substitutes any other color)
Element: Spirits
Planet: Moon
Day: Monday
Deity: Goddesses and Gods of Wisdom, Divination, and Prophecy.
Magic: Purification and cleaning on all levels, cooling, peace, restful, simplicity, full moon, contact with higher self and spiritual helpers, aura-healing and balancing, truth seeking, consecration, spiritual enlightenment, protection against negativity, breaking curses, exorcism, meditation, divination, inspiration, and clairvoyance (always burn at least one white candle to symbolize and reinforce the contact with pure spirit). 

Planet: Moon
Day: Monday
Deity: Goddesses and Gods of Balance, Justice and Order
Magic: Neutralizing negative influences, conservative, balanced. Security, modesty, dignity, putting a halt to action and return to the universe without repercussion destructive energies.

Planet: Moon
Day: Monday
Deity: Lunar Goddesses
Magic: Female energy, cycles, rebirth, reincarnation, healing of hormonal imbalances, emotional stability, remove or neutralize negativity, intuition, dreams, moon magic, psychic abilities and psychic workings.

Element: earth,
Planet: Saturn
Day: Saturday
Deity: The Crone, Goddesses and Gods of  Death, Time and Protection
Magic: Repel and banish evil and negativity, grounding, dramatic, committed, serious. Mysterious, containing potentials, restful, protection, breaking free from bad habits and addictions, deep meditation, opens up deep unconscious levels.

Element: Air - Fire
Planet: Mercury, Sun
Day: Wednesday, Sunday
Deity: Goddesses and Gods of Knowledge
Magic: Stimulates nervous system and intellect. Joy, optimism, creativity, vitality, change, progress, contact, communication, and trade. Confidence, self-confidence, self-esteem, cheerfulness, learning, knowledge, mental clarity, concentration, speaking and writing and visualization.

Element: Fire
Planet: Sun
Day: Sunday
Deity: Solar Gods
Magic: Solar magic, and masculine energy. Abundant self-confidence, creativity, perfection, financial riches, success in investments, luxury, happiness, worldly power, magical power, overcoming bad habits and addictions.

Element: Fire - Air
Planet: Sun, Mars, Mercury
Day: Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday
Deity: Goddesses and Gods of good luck and good fortune.
Magic: Charm, kindness, encouragement, stimulation, optimism, success, creativity, abundance, prosperity, feast, and celebration, achieving business goals, investments, success in legal matters.

Element: Air
Planet: Venus
Day: Friday
Deity: Goddesses and Gods of Prosperity and Fertility
Magic: Amulets to promote love, sensuality, friendship, positive relationships of any kind, negotiations and peace, Business success, fertility, career growth, friendship in business, career promotions.

Element: Fire
Planet: Mars
Day: Tuesday
Deity: Goddesses and Gods Passion and War.
Magic: Courage, will-power, determination, speed, assertivity, aggression, masculinity, independence, physical strength, sports, competition, conflicts, health, sexual attraction and potency, lust, passion, fertility.

Element: Spirit
Planet: Moon
Day: Monday
Deity: Goddesses and Gods of Desire and Attraction
Magic: Magnetism, the ability to attract or speed up results. soul-mates, life purpose, life path, High energy, Uniqueness.

Element: Air
Planet: Venus
Day: Friday
Deity: Goddesses and Gods of Love and Romance
Magic: Softness and tenderness, romance, caring, nurturing, youth, peace, friendship, femininity, emotional love, emotional healing, unselfish emotions, spiritual healing, banishing hatred.

Element: Earth
Planet: Venus, Mercury, Earth
Day: Friday, Wednesday, Tuesday
Deity: Goddesses and Gods of Nature and Fertility
Magic: Nature, fertility, money, growth, rejuvenation, recovery, healing, harvest and abundance, prosperity, harmony, balance, peace, hope, home, plants and animals.

Element: Water
Planet: Neptune
Day: Wednesday
Deity: Goddesses and Gods of Water, Seas, and Oceans
Magic: Changes, intellectual and intuitive insights, inventions and originality, renewal, brotherhood, humanity, making talismans, crystal gazing, wash away something bad energies, purification, love, psychic awareness, dreams, sleep, peace, marriage, friendship.

Elemental Water - Air
Planet: Jupiter, Venus, Neptune, Moon
Day: Thursday, Friday, Wednesday, Monday
Deity: Goddesses and Gods of Truth and Water
Magic: Truth and wisdom, communication, peace and tranquility, calmness, self-expression, wisdom, justice, counsel, guidance, dreams, understanding and patience, loyalty and honor, sincerity, devotion, healing, femininity, prophetic dreams, protection during sleep, astral projection.

Element: Spirits, Light
Planet: Moon, Jupiter
Day: Monday, Thursday
Deity: Angels, Goddesses, and Gods of Divination and Prophecy.
Magic: Psychic abilities, divination, counteracting negativity and black magic, reversing curses, psychic healing, psychic power, inspiration, meditation, spirituality, spiritual power, astral projection, the third eye.

Element: Earth
Planet: Earth
Day: Tuesday
Deity: Goddesses and Gods of Earth, Pets, and Wildlife
Magic: Stability, grounding, conservation, protection of household, family and pets, survival, healing animals, finding lost objects, buildings, material increase, to make relationships solid, to increase decisiveness and concentration, to attract help in financial crisis.


Numbers have powers throughout the world in all cultures and religions.

Number 1 – Sun, Independence, Leadership, The Universe, The source of All... Use this number for spells involving leaving home, leaving a friendship or relationship, learning to stand on your own, becoming more assertive, and strengthening your willpower to reject a bad habit or learn a good habit.

Number 2 – Moon, Balance, Partnership, The Goddess and The God, Perfect Duality, Balance...Use this number to attract love and friendship into your life and to reduce friction between yourself and another. Use this number to enhance any mutually beneficial collaboration between you and someone else for business, school, or creative endeavors, to find balance in your life.

Number 3 – Jupiter, Creativity, The Triple Goddess, Moon phases, Communication, (Physical,Mental,Spiritual aspects)....Use this number to attract inspiration into your life and to enhance your creative, artistic, and communication skills, to

Number 4 – Mars, Stability, The 4 Elements, The Seasons, Building, Health....Use this number for protection spells, spells to improve your health, spells to bring stability to your life, and spells to help you transform your inspiration from potential into the finished product.

Number 5 – Mercury, The Senses, The Pentagram, Change, fluidity, risk-taking....Use this number in spells of destruction (for example, ridding yourself of bad influences or negative emotions such as anger and hatred), and to invite positive change into your life (for example, opening up through dreams of divination to new opportunities.

Number 6 – Venus, Family, Community....Use this number in spells promoting harmony and goodwill between groups or groups and the individual.

Number 7 – Neptune, Spirituality, Protection, Introspection....Use this number in spells that involve seeking spiritual knowledge, such as connecting with your patron god and goddess.

Number 8 – Saturn, The Sabbats, Power, Wealth...Use this number in spells for prosperity and to help you strengthen your skills, whether metaphysical or mundane.

Number 9 – Uranus, Transformation, and completion...In numerology, the number 9 refers to evolution from one spiritual plane to the next, which may not apply to situations outside of divination. When using the number 9 as an enhancer to your spell, think of it as a multiple of the number 3. Number 9 magnifies your energy work with spells that involve creativity, art, inspiration, and communication.

Life Path Number
your life path number...HERE is a site that calculates it for you...but all you need is to calculate all the numbers in your birthday ...Example:
my birthday is January 29, 1985...
01-29-1985...= 0+1+2+9+1+9+8+5 = need to end up with a single digit number so you keep going... 3+5 = 8 my life path number is 8....except for 11 and 22

Positive, Ambitious, Determined, Pioneering, Athletic, Bold, Independent, Creative, Original
Over-Achiever, Insensitive, Egotistical, Impulsive, Violent, Controlling, Self-Centered, Impatient

Cooperative, Adaptable, Intuitive, Romantic, Diplomatic, Warm, Peaceful, Sensitive
Overly-Sensitive, Withdrawn, Easily-Offended, Doormat, Self-Deprecating, Dishonest, Wimpy, Resentful

Expressive, Verbal, Sociable, Artistic, Jovial, Optimistic, Creative
Scattered, Unrealistic, Overly-Talkative, Critical, Moody, Show-Off, Undisciplined, Sarcastic

Traditional, Orderly, Helpful, Persevering, Steady, Logical, Self-Disciplined, Practical
Closed-Minded, Neurotic, Demanding, Boring, Compulsive, Perfectionist, Rude, Moralistic

Expansive, Visionary, Adventurous, Magnetic, Witty, Adaptable, Resourceful, Curious
Negative, Unstable, Addictive, Ever-Changing, Indiscriminate, Rebellious, Impatient, Disorganized, Irresponsible

Responsible, Protective, Nurturing, Stable, Balanced, Sympathetic, Compassionate, Loving
Overly-Responsible, Suffocating, Homebody, Doormat, Predictable, Boring, Overly-Protective, Savior Complex

Analytic, Logical, Reserved, Inventive, Knowledgeable, Studious, Introspective, Intuitive
Calculating, Withdrawn, Cynical, Egotistical, Overly-Analytic, Insensitive, Aloof, Distrusting

Ambitious, Big Thinker, Successful, Leading, Authoritative, Courageous, Influential
Domineering, Materialistic, Greedy, Insensitive, Workaholic, Unavailable, Controlling, Arrogant

Giving, Humanitarian, Selfless, Sophisticated, Idealistic, Creative, Expressive
Drama Queen, Dissatisfied, Unrealistic, Impractical, Blaming, Egotistical, Ungrateful, Moody

Intuitive, Inspirational, Dreamer, Illuminated, Considerate, Sensitive, Understanding
Shy, Withdrawn, Self-Conscious, Self-Critical, Un-confident, Impractical, Vindictive, Misunderstood

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