Self-esteem Mirror

Self-esteem Mirror Enchanting

How I Enchant mirrors in my house to give everyone who looks into them a boost of self-esteem.

First I wash the mirror to remove any bad energies with a DIY sage window cleaner(p-s mirror cleans be done every once in a while as mirrors hold a lot of power and energy). Then I use a self-esteem building essential oil(any oil that you feel is right for you will be, my favorite ones are in a list below), and with this oil I draw a self love sigil (I use a Q-tip or a small paint brush but you can also use your fingers), while I chant these words. 

"May this mirror in front of me,
help my eyes to see,
how my body is beautiful and healthy,
my spirit is Illuminated and happy,
 my mind is strong and can see clearly,
 I am everything I want to be."

After I'm done drawing the sigil, I leave it there for a while, and once I feel the energy has been absorbed in the mirror, I re-wash it with soap and water(or as you would normally wash your mirrors).

 Self Love Sigil

there are many ways to boost the self-esteem and there are several things you can use.. herbs, spices, essential oils, stones, and affirmations.... Here are my favorite ones.

Herbs and Spices for Self-esteem: (These can be added to your bath water and while bathing use some self love affirmations.)
  • Rose
  • Ginger  
  • Rosemary
Self-love Affirmations:
  • I love and respect myself today and everyday.
  • I radiate unconditional love towards myself and others.
  • I am happy and comfortable in my own beautiful skin.
  • I am worth all the love that I receive and that I give myself. 
 Stones for Self-love: (these can be kept in your pockets, added to you bath water or under your pillow at night.)
  • Rose Quartz
  • Rhodochrosite
  • Rhodonite
Essential oils for Self-esteem building: (these can be use as perfume, diluted in blessed water or oils, like olive, grape-seed or coconut oil.)
  • Bergamot
  • Rose
  • Sandalwood
  • Rosemary
  • Peppermint

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