Thursday, September 11, 2014

1 Know Yourself

In A journal(*Mirror Book), I made a list of Everything that makes me who I am as a person....if you don't have a mirror book or don't know what it is, the description is at the bottom of the page.

I started with my birthday...As this was the first thing that happened to me in this life... My Celtic Zodiac Sign... Here is a list(down below) for those who don't know their's....and the Moon I was Born under.

Obviously none of this is really important...but I wanted to search myself on every possible here is what i came up with so far...

I added a Description for my tree and drawing of the leaf and fruit(since mine is Rowan I had fruits)..HERE is some info I gathered and the Tree Astrology..

I also added my Animals and Gemstones... and since i'm really into Crystals and Gemstones I added my stone's description....HERE are the gemstones descriptions.

My Zodiac Sign, Ascendant and Chart.. HERE is a site to help you find yours.. and here is something I found interesting(down below).

My Chinese Zodiac Sign and Element...HERE is the site I used to find mine.

It was fun to compare everything they had to say..(funny enough, they were all alike)

Next is my Name...I researched the meaning of my name and origins and wrote it down.

Then I made a list of all my strengths and weaknesses....Under each strengths I wrote everything bad that came out of it ....and under each Weaknesses I wrote everything good that came out of it.(example: Honest =too much honesty sometimes hurts other people's feelings.....Don't Like Cleaning = I spend more time playing with my children).... It's a good exercise to make you realize that not everything about you is entirely good or bad.

Next was a Gratitude List... no need to explain this one but i will give you an example to help you get started. (I'm grateful for my good Health and the one of my children and husband.) I did this point form....

After, instead of having a list of things I didn't like about my life(I try to stay positive) I made a List Of Wishes...example (I wish to learn to love my body the way it is).... it's much nicer than (I don't like my body)....

All of this made me think a lot about myself and the last part made me think of something....I wanted to love my body the way it is sooo!...I wrote a love letter to my body.

LOVE LETTER TO MY BODY...this was hard...saying I love every-parts of my body and explaining why...some were easier than others but i still managed to find at least one thing for every-parts (ex: I Love my belly because it gave me 2 beautiful boys that i love more than anything in the world)...made me rethink why I hated it so much and made me accept the fact that my belly will never be as good looking as before but at least my boys love me "more than all the stars in the sky" (what they tell me) no matter how I look.. :)

Next came Numerology if you don't know your life path number this is a must...HERE is a site that calculate it for you and gives you the meaning of your number too...but if you only want the number... all you need is to calculate all the numbers in your birthday ...Example:
my birthday is January 29 1985...
01-29-1985...= 0+1+2+9+1+9+8+5 = need to end up with a single digit number so you keep going.. 3+5 = 8 my life path number is 8.

And Last but not least...I wrote all my favorite things (colors,flowers,hobbies,people....) and a description of me ..I imagined myself as a book character, the way an author would describe me if he was writing the story of my life.

After all This (This took me a couple weeks) I re-read all of it and made me realize a lot of things about myself... I Think I Now Know Myself (well much better anyways!)...

The more information you gather the better... there's probably a lot more things I could of researched so if you think of something better go Ahead!!! make it as positive as you can, and have fun with it.... If you're artsy, add colors and drawings to make it more visually interesting or even take pictures and stick them to your journal...the possibilities are endless, use your imagination and make it yours...this whole page is just about examples to help you going, it not meant to be copied but more an inspiration...if you want to copy that fine too.

*J. Journal (Mirror Book)
The Mirror Book is a personal book that is almost like a diary of your magical's basically a journal of all the things you try, like recipes spells and rituals and how they made you feel and what you think you need to add or remove(like a notebook) and also the outcome of your should write in a Mirror Book before you add anything to your Book of Shadows since the Book of Shadows is like your recipe book you need to try your recipes before adding them to it(like a draft-book)....It's more about your feelings towards spells than the spells themselves...So go get a blank diary and start writhing your feelings and new findings about the Craft...This also helps to know yourself better....Its also useful for when you're scrying and to write down your dreams.

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