Dances and Rituals

D. Dances and Rituals


1. Start by purifying yourself...there are many ways to do this...I mentioned some of them in the cleansing section...which are bathing in a tub, a lake, ocean, the wind to get rid of all negative energies, stress and worries...once you washed away all the negativity, you can anoint your body with oil (doing the god and goddess symbols) can dress yourself in a special outfit if you like....meditate a couple minutes to clear your some deep breathing to clear your energy....if you chose to dress in a special way (some Wiccans have robes that they were every-time they do magic, it helps their mind to get into the right mood...just like putting on your running shoes makes you want to go for a walk)... here is the colors chart...
You obviously don't need to wear a robe but using the same clothing every time you do magic is a good idea....some have ritual jewelry or stones they carry in their pockets.

2. Purify your space by cleaning the floor (if you are doing it indoor) with a nice-smelling natural soap if possible, you don't want the
room to smell like chemicals...then use your besom (broom) to clean the energy in the area...visualize your besom burning and zapping away all negative energies with blue-purple flames and sparks (this is done indoors or outdoors)...your broom should not touch the floor when you do this....after the sweeping is done...splash some salted water (can be infused with rosemary or thyme) around your circle...indoor only as the salt burn the grass...outdoor you can scatter crushed eggshells..eggshells are good for plants and their high content of iron calcium and sulfur is great for warding off unwanted energies(can also be used around your property for protection)....indoors if you didn't smudge your house in a long time, now would be a good idea to do at least the room you are going to use for the ritual....outdoors you don't need to do anything since the air is already pure and clean.

3. Creating your sacred space is all about preparing your altar, making the circle and invoking the 4 quarters...start by placing
your altar facing North if possible...for the altar setup HERE is more info....Now if you have enough space to work with make about a 9 feet diameter circle around your altar (you need enough space to move around your altar without knocking anything down especially not candles) create the circle itself you can use rope, rocks, ribbons, flowers, salt, crystals, even a chalk line, just about anything...At each cardinal points (I use a compass) I have something to represent their elements...Start at the North point, north is the element of Earth...I put a nice big rock or salt rock lamp if indoors...clockwise I go to the East, east is Air...I put my Abalone shell with incense at that is South, south is Fire...I add a nice big red or orange candle at that point...last but not least is West, west is Water...I have a beautiful silver bowl that I add rain water to....for more info on the quarters goes HERE to check it out....some people use colored candles, painted rocks, plain rocks, small tables decorated for each can use what feel right for you, it can be as simple or  as complex as your heart desire....Once everything is in place...The RITUAL is starting...(make sure you have everything before starting, you don't want to step out of the circle for matches)

First light all the candles and incenses...then stand at the Altar(all your tools should already be in place if not now is the time)..grab you Athame(black knife) and consecrate the water and salt by putting the athame in the bowl of water and saying something like...

 "I cleanse and purify this water that it may be fit to dwell within this sacred circle, in the name of the (Goddess name) and (God name), I consecrate this water."

Then the salt, again with the Athame touch the salt and say....

"I cleanse and purify this salt that it may be fit to dwell within this sacred circle, in the name of the (Goddess name) and (God name), I consecrate this water."

With the Athame still in hand go around the circle(clockwise) and say ex.

"Here are the boundaries of my circle, only love shall enter, only love shall emerge from within, help me charge this by your powers Old Ones"

One by One, go around the circle starting at the north(clockwise) with the Salt, Incense, Candle, and Water, to seal the circle. (I like to thank each quarter as I pass with their element)

Raising the circle to a sphere of power....start by charging up your palms (HERE is how to do so)...visualize a purple ball of energy growing from your palms...At the North point (palms at the waist) start making a ring with the energy you just built....going around the circle feel the energy building into ring,.. once your back to the north visualize the energy growing into a half sphere as the other half is underground all the way to the top, when you feel the energy is strong and stable shake your hands to stop the energy from growing...(take a moment to visualize and feel this purple sphere of power you just made)

Let's invoke the rulers of the 4 quarters and the center...standing again at the North (with your wand) say something like...

"Welcome Watchtower of the North Lords of the Earth, I ask that you bring your gifts of Stability, patience, Endurance and Prosperity to this circle".

Next East "Welcome Watchtower of the East Lords of the Air, I ask that you bring your gifts of Wisdom, Intellect, Perception and Inspiration to this circle"

South "Welcome Watchtower of the South Lords of Fire, I ask that you bring your gifts of Strength, Passion, Energy and Willpower to this circle."

West "Welcome Watchtower of the West Lords of Water, I ask that you bring your gifts of Emotions, Fertility, Health and Receptivity to this circle."

to the Center "Welcome Watchtower of the Center Lords of the Spirits, I ask that you bring guidance to this circle." 

While invoking the quarters at each point take a few seconds to feel their power (visualize the glowing power of each one) the North glows Green, the East glows Light Yellow or Light Blue, South glows Red and West glows Blue...Center is the purple sphere.

The circle is now cast sealed and the quarters are now invoked...If you need to exit the circle or let anyone in you can make a doorway  by cutting with the Athame in a counterclockwise motion to Open and clockwise motion to close it.( the door is usually between the North and the East points

4. Invocation of the Goddess and God is the same as the invocation of the quarters but you can make it more can add dances you can sing the as you here is an Example...

"O great Goddess of the Moon
Ruler of the Night
O great God of the Sun
Ruler of the Light
Mother of Earth and Trees
Queen of the Seas
Father of Love and Passion
King of the Wild, Free and Protection
Protect, Help and Guide me 
with your Lunar and Solar Powers
In my Circle Here!"

5. Ritual Observance is taking account of the Sabbats(celebration) and Esbats(moons) so you can modify some things in your rituals according to the date...for Information on Esbats and Sabbats HERE you go...on Sabbats most Wiccans will decorate their Altars with the according theme, make certain spell, prayers, special thanking and or special foods....on Esbats different full moons have different powers and meanings.

6. Energy Raising: Time for some Magic...this is the part where you do your spells if you have any ***REMEMBER*** you don't need to do any magic spells in a ritual... some rituals are also done for the sole purpose of thanking the god and goddess and building a stronger bond with them...but if you asked for their help in the invocation chant make sure to have something you need help with ***NEVER OPEN A CIRCLE JUST FOR FUN***...and always have good intentions in your heart before doing magic... whatever you want make sure you want it wholeheartedly....once you are done doing magic take a moment before earthing the power to relax, sink back down and breathe (a moment for the universe to receive your message)

7. Earthing the power is having something to eat and share with the goddess and god, some people call it the simple prior to the ritual you filled the chalice with wine, juice or anything to drink and prepared a plate of cake, cookies, cheese or any snack will do....Eating brings your body and mind back to physical reality and normal energy...start by offering some of your drink and food to the goddess and god in an offering bowl  (outdoors spill some of your drink and crumble some food on the ground)...once you shared it's your turn to drink and eat...after the ritual bury the content of the offering bowl outside....If you forgot about the food you can also taste the salt and visualize the extra power in yourself being absorbed in one of your tools, Athame, wand, pentacle or even a hold it up until you feel back to normal (this power can later be used in other magic spells).

8. Thanking the Goddess and God for their assistance ***NEVER***tell them they can leave you can command them on where they may go or when they may leave....only say thank-you and that they can come is an example...

"O great Goddess of the Moon
O great God of the Sun
I give thanks for your Presence 
and Protection here!
Thank you for Helping and Guiding me.
Blessed be!

9. Last but not least Breaking or Releasing the Circle, just like before.. you thank the rulers of each quarter for their assistance...going around the circle with the wand over each quarter, say...

Thank you Watchtower of the North
Lords of the Earth 
For your presence Here! 

Thank you Watchtower of the East
Lords of the Air 
For your presence Here! 

Thank you Watchtower of the South
Lords of Fire 
For your presence Here! 

Thank you Watchtower of the West
Lords of Water 
For your presence Here! 

Thank you Watchtower of the Center
Lords of the Spirit 
For your presence Here! 

With the Wand, Athame or your hands go around (clockwise) and visualize the purple sphere being sucked into the tool or back into your palms until there is no more...break the circle by removing the salt line, chalk, stones, flowers whatever you used to make the circle...put your magic tools back to where they belong ...return the room to its normal state (outdoors try not to disturb nature too much...don't litter).

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